Welcome to Montrose Area Radio Club (MARC)  

    Serving Montrose County, Delta County Colorado and surrounding areas


We are a small friendly club with many diverse interests;

  • Monthly meetings with in-person training.  
  • Social gatherings and meals.
  • We support and lead many area emergency groups including - ARES Section 8, Delta County AUXCOM, Montrose County ARES, Search & Rescue, Colorado State AUXCOM and more.
  • We support our communities with radio and logistics support for Mountain Endurance runs like Hard Rock 100, Imogene Pass, and Grand Mesa Ultras with professionalism.
  • It is our passion to grow Amateur Radio in our area - through Volunteer Examiner (VE) testing for FCC Licenses, online classes, STEM Scholarships, in-person classes and a wealth of Elmer's to assist and guide.
Our goal is to be a service to our communities in Dark or Sunny days (No matter the altitude).

Badge Order this Week!

Badge order this week.
Please reach out to order by March 26th, 2025
Richard Franz, KF0MIR - Contact

If you are a new member and never recived a badage, reach out to Richard to order yours.

If you need a replacment or updated badge, contact Richard Franz KF0MIR


MARC Holiday Party 2024

Join us for our holiday party

All are welcome especially spouses
Dec 7th 1pm - 3pm

Delta library community room
Enter on Meeker Street
124 E Sixth Street
Delta, CO 81416

-Please bring a dish to share
-As well as your own place setting
-Coffee and Lemonade will be provided

**If you want to participate in the gift exchange bring a wrapped gift Males bring a gift for a man and lady ‘s bring a gift for lady


Cedaregde Repeater is down - Until further notice.

Cedaregde Repeater is down
147.195 tone 107.2
Coming soon to a new home

Use alternative Raspberry Repeater
146.91- tone 107.2
Until further notice



Reminder - Friday August 16th is the club picnic.

Club Picnic

It will start at 5:30 pm.
All are welcome! Bring your own meal and have some time to fellowship and talk with fellow hams.
No official meeting, no zoom option.

Delta County Library
124 E 6th St, Delta, CO 81416
(Use Meeker St entrance)

Hope to see you there!


Grand Junction Hamfest & Swapmeet - K0KEN 

  WCARC Ham Fest! August 10, 2024!!  
  at First Christian Church, 1326 North 1st Street in Grand Junction.  

Admission is FREE


Field Day Review by Ken Lawrence - K0KEN 

  6 minute review of MARC FD2024  

Field Day this coming Saturday 06/22/24

FIELD DAY June 22-23rd, 2024
Sunset Mesa, Montrose CO (directions and visual map localtion)

  • Setup at 8am 06/22/24
  • Take down needed on Sunday 12 noon 06/23/24
  • ALL are welcome to join us. Vistors are encouraged

Please bring - place setting, chairs, hats, gloves, sunscreen, XYLs - Side dish or dessert to share for Saturday Dinner

If you plan to attend Saturday Dinner, and I haven't already counted you - please let Kathy Joslin know how many will be joining us.
* Deadline for Dinner count will be Wednesday


News Release - 2024 Field Day


News Release

For Immediate Release
For more information Contact:
Lew French


Hams Operate In the Field

Hams from the Montrose Amateur Radio Club (MARC) will be operating during the 2024 Field Day on Saturday and Sunday, June 22 and 23, 2024 from atop Sunset Mesa just west of Montrose.  The public is invited to visit the operation on Saturday any time after 12 noon.  There will be an opportunity for non-hams to get on the air and contact other Field Day stations across the country.

Field Day is an annual event sponsored by the American Radio Relay League that showcases ham radio’s ability to operate off the grid as hams might be forced to do during emergencies that disrupt normal power supplies and communications.  All operations will be self-supported by battery, generator, or solar power.

According to Kathy Joslin, KK6RNV, MARC President, “Anyone interested in ham radio and how it can be of service during power and communications outages is invited to pay us a visit.  Hams across the country will be participating in this annual event. While some hams will operate from their home stations, many like MARC will set up in the field to practice and demonstrate their ability to operate off the grid.   If you have ever thought about trying the amateur radio hobby, please stop by.  We will be glad to show you what it is all about.”

To reach the Field Day site, drive West on Main Street to the Road intersection.  Turn south on Chipeta.  At .7 miles turn left onto the Sunset Mesa Road and climb to the top of the hill.  Look for our signs along the way and our antennas on the north end of the Meas.

For more information contact Lew French, K0LMF, at 970-417-6142
     ,                                                                           (end)


Attention: Lew French is taking requests for the next Tech class. 

Attention Lew French is taking requests for the next class. 
Please contact him at 9704176142 or foresterfrench@aol.com
Based on the requests he receives we will put together the next training. 


New Local Repeater

Here is more information about the repeater:
-447.425 with -5 offset and no PL tone;
-WiresX/C4FM/Yaesu System Fusion;
-Located up Dave Wood Road, a few miles north of the Ouray County line;
-Open to all hams. It is not yet listed on Repeaterbook but is on the SkyHubLink web page: https://skyhublink.com/repeaters/ Here
Mike Bergen  N8XMD


News Release edit Amateur Radio Club Tailgate Party

News Release
For Immediate release

For more information contact:
Lew French, 970-417-6142

Annual Ham Radio Tailgate Party

The Montrose Amateur Radio Club is hosting its annual Tailgate Party on Saturday June 1, 2024, at the Lions Pavilion, Confluence Park, Delta from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.  Admission is free.

All attendees will be included in the drawing for door prizes.  The grand prize is an ALINCO digital mobile handheld radio.  You must be present to win.

According to Steve Schroeder, Tailgate Party Chairman, “The Tailgate Party is an opportunity to buy, sell, and trade amateur radio equipment and supplies.  Some very good deals on used equipment can be found.   Sellers can find good homes for equipment they no longer use, and new hams can pick up what they need to get started.  It is also a social gathering that gives hams an opportunity to get together in person with those they meet on the air.”

Tables for sellers are available for $5.00.  Coffee, water, and doughnuts are available for a donation.  The event is sanctioned by the American Radio Relay League.

For more information contact Lew French, K0LMF, at 970-417-6142

Many Awesome 'Door Prizes'

Grand Door Prize - Alinco DJ-MD5XLT VHF/UHF Dual Band DMR Handheld Transceiver Radio
And many more prizes.
(Winning announcments are at 11am - must be present to collect prize)

Alinco DJ-MD5XLT



USS Montrose news release

News Release
For Immediate release

For more information contact:
Lew French, 970-417-6142

Hams put the USS Montrose on the Air
Amateur radio operators from the Montrose Amateur Radio Club are participating in the 2024 Museum Ships Weekend by operating radio station N0P commemorating the service of the ship USS Montrose on June 1 and 2, 2004. This annual worldwide event is sponsored by the Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station and historically draws participation from over one hundred museum ships and ship memorials around the world.
The USS Montrose is honored with a memorial consisting of the ship’s bell and an interpretive sign located in the park at the corner of Townsend Avenue and Main Street, in Montrose.  Rules for the event specify that stations celebrating a ship memorial must be within site or the memorial.  Accordingly, the station will be located in the Auto Zone parking lot across the street from the memorial.  The call sign N0P is to be used to simulate the ship’s original call sign of NPPP.
This event encourages radio operators to contact as many museum ships or ship memorial as possible, learn the history of the ships contacted, and commemorate both the ships and those who served upon them.
The public is invited to visit the USS Montrose station during the day on Saturday and Sunday.   Operations typically end mid- afternoon on Sunday.   Please come visit us and learn about the USS Montrose and its history of service during World War II, Korea and Vietnam.

For additional information contact Lew French K0LMF at 970-417-6142,
visit montrosehamradio.org., or visit the Montrose Amateur Radio Club on Facebook.


General Class 04/08/24

I have the following tentative schedule for a General Class

Wed,  April 8th 1800hrs
Meet for 2 hours
Meet every Wed. for a minimum of 4 weeks

Location my house 533 N. 5th St Montrose CO
Use the ARRL general book as the source material

Contact Lew French, K0LMF
Please contact him at 970-417-6142 or foresterfrench@aol.com



Club Badge Orders 03/14/24

Contact Bud KE0E




ATTENTION - Breakfast 03/02/24

ATTENTION: We may have issue with breakfast tomorrow at Busy corner.

MARC Members

Breakfast has been moved to Hightower Café
525 Hwy 50 Business Loop Olathe, CO 81425

Kathy KK6RNV


Winter Feild Day 2024 - Montrose EOC

MARC Winter Field Day
January 27th Setup at 9:00AM
January 28th ending w teardown 12:00 Noon

Montrose CO EOC
1681 6450 RD, Montrose CO

Google maps directions


For all the rules and info go here: https://www.winterfieldday.com/

Specific instructions here: https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/manual-supported/contests-setup/setup-udc-contests/#WFDA2RTTY

User Defined Contest Installation: https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/manual-supported/contests-setup/setup-udc-contests/#installation-instructions-for-a-user-defined-contest-udc


Attention: Lew French is taking requests for the next class. 

Attention Lew French is taking requests for the next class. 
Please contact him at 9704176142 or foresterfrench@aol.com
Based on the requests he receives we will put together the next training. 




MARC Net 2024

2024 Net Operator Schedule

Hello Folks, 

It is time so distribute the latest Sunday net control schedule.  Two of our finest have dropped out, and we have two new operators, so welcome to Kevin Humphreys KF0LWW, and Dick Frantz KF0MIR.  As you may have experienced, schedule changes are necessary now and then, so please pick someone else before the weekend you are listed if you have a conflict, and please email me also.  You should also be aware that some net control stations have radio path problems with both repeaters, some days are good and the next time up you are not so loud and clear.  I have tried to pick hams that should have a good signal for that night.  These signal challenges are good training for us, so I ask all net control hams to listen on the input for those hams checking in with a poor signal. 

And you don't always have to start with checkins from Montrose South all the time, mix it up for checkin area so the rest of the crowd pays attention to net control.  Thank You for doing this service to the club.  /  Chris ITG

  For the list of net control operator schedule for each week, click here.  

Breaking News!!

New location for monthly meetings

January 19th, we will be meeting at the Delta Libary, 6:30pm
124 E 6th St, Delta, CO 81416
(Use Meeker St entrance)

Olathe Community Center has raised our rate by 600%
Our President was able to get the Delta Liabry to allow our club to meet for FREE
MARC meetings are reserved for the whole 2024 year.

Also, the Delta Libaray has scheduled ALL of the VE testing for next year - AGAIN FOR FREE

We will try a few places for Supper in Delta.
On January 19th, we will met at C&J Dinner at 5:00PM


Holiday Party

Holiday Party

Sat, December 2, 1pm – 3pm
Olathe Community Center, 115 Main St, Olathe, CO 81425, USA (map)

All are welcome.  Please bring place setting for yourself, a dish to share and a gift for male or female if you want to participate in the gift exchange. Water and Coffee provided

Public Telecommunications Services Coordinator
Ouray County, Request for Proposals

Public Telecommunications Services Coordinator
Ouray County, Request for Proposals

Ouray County is seeking proposals from qualified vendors or individuals interested in providing services to the County for the maintenance, programming, and repair of its mobile and portable two-way radio/wireless communications systems. Successful proposer will communicate with the Ouray County (OC) Emergency Manager on issues surrounding radio and wireless communication functions for county departments that are dependent upon two-way radio and wireless communication, and will be the responsible party, in coordination with the OC Emergency Manager, to seek and ensure equipment repair. Please address questions concerning this request for proposal to Glenn Boyd, OC Emergency Manager, at (970) 325-7273 or to Connie Hunt, County Manager, at (970) 325-7263. Details of the RFP may be obtained on the Ouray County website www.ouraycountyco.gov.
Please submit the proposal (hard copy and on a flash drive), including background and experience for the scope of work described, compensation desired, and/or fee schedule or hourly rate, and references in a sealed envelope marked “Public Telecommunications Services” to: Ouray County Administration, P.O. Box C, Ouray, CO 81427, or by courier to 541 4th Street, Ouray, CO and received by Monday, December 4, 2023 by 4:00 p.m.

  Download the Ouray details here
Public - Ad-Public


Tail Gate Party
June 3rd

FREE admission
Buy - Sell - Trade - TALK

$5 per table for those that are selling items.

Sat Jun 3, 2023 8am – 11am MDT
Lion's Pavilion across from Bill Heddles Recreation Center, 531 Palmer St, Delta, CO 81416, USA


Museum Ship Weekend
June 3rd & 4th

The USS Montrose Memorial, South First Street, Montrose, CO.

Set up June 2nd 3pm - tear down June 4th

Fri Jun 2 – Sun Jun 4, 2023
440 S 1st St, Montrose, CO 81401, USA (map)


New repeater link from Waterdog to the Western Colorado Amateur Radio Club


Please let your folks know that there is a new repeater link from Waterdog to the Western Colorado Amateur Radio Club.

447.2- PL 107.2

This Waterdog repeater links to the 146.94 repeater on Blackridge near the Colorado National Monument, and to the 145.175 repeater on Grand Mesa.

Please encourage your club members to use the Waterdog machine at any time! Y'all are welcome to join any of our club repeater nets:

Oatmeal Net - 0730 M-F
Radioactive Net (tech, projects, experiments net) Tue 1930
Mesa County Emcom Net - Wed 1900
Ragchew Net - Fri 1930
(We also do a 10m net Thursdays at 1930 on 28.475, but it's a tough net to reach outside the valley.)

We're looking forward to playing radio with y'all and hope the Waterdog machine will help us keep in contact.

Best, Bill


New Winlink Gateway - Paonia


We have a functional Winlink gateway on the air.  KC0QXX-10 Located in Paonia on 145.070mhz. 
Can be reached via the digi, KI0KY-6 located at the Cedaredge repeater site.  Digi is also on 145.070 mhz.



Winter Feild Day - Montrose EOC

MARC Winter Field Day
January 28th Setup at 8:30AM
January 29th ending w teardown 12:00 Noon

Montrose CO EOC
1681 6450 RD, Montrose CO

Google maps directions


For all the rules and info go here: https://www.winterfieldday.com/

Specific instructions here: https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/manual-supported/contests-setup/setup-udc-contests/#WFDA2RTTY

User Defined Contest Installation: https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/manual-supported/contests-setup/setup-udc-contests/#installation-instructions-for-a-user-defined-contest-udc


DX chasing opportunity on the HF bands

Hi All,

Here's a message from Mark Wohlschlegel, WC3W regarding DX Marathon.  Feel free to contact him directly.








Skywarn Recognition Day: A way to Participate

The Weather Service Office in Grand Junction remains closed to the public but there is still a way to participate in Skywarn Recognition Day 2022.  We received the following message from the NWS:


Hello NWS Grand Junction Weather Spotters!

Skywarn Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League. It celebrates the contributions that Skywarn volunteers make to the NWS mission, the protection of life and property.

Amateur radio operators comprise a large percentage of the Skywarn volunteers across the country. The Amateur radio operators also provide vital communication between the NWS and emergency management if normal communications become inoperative.

All Skywarn spotters provide critical weather information before, during and after adverse weather strikes. This includes reports of rain and snow, ice and wind, storms and tornadoes, flooding and fire. This is our 24 hours to recognize all of the Skywarn spotters serving our nation! The event will begin at 5 PM MST Friday, December 2 and end at 5 PM MST Saturday, December 3!

If you're interested in participating in this year's Skywarn Recognition Day, please fill out this registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsiwFThctxPqEht9r7j1V1OLBNiAQjt-yJe7z3-XFMwiIx-w/viewform.

Additionally, this year the NWS is asking all spotters and amateur radio operators to check in by December 3 to be recognized on our Skywarn Spotter Map! This way, we can see where spotters/amateur radio operators are from all across the country. No private information will be shared! To be included in the map, please also fill out this form: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/31f1c4cd9b504068b2d15a7d3cdd4d05.

Finally, please follow NWS Grand Junction on Facebook (@NWSGrandJunction) and Twitter (@NWSGJT) to share your weather stories and interests with us using the hashtag #skywarn2022 and also by tagging us throughout the event!

Thanks again for being weather spotters. We truly appreciate all that you do!


NWS Grand Junction

Please by guided by this message if you would like to participate from your home station.

Lew, K0LMF


Christmas Holiday Party

Who: MARC members, family, non-member hams
Date & Time: Dec 3rd, at 1300-1500 
Location:  Olathe Community Center. 115 Main St, Olathe, CO 81425

- - - - -

Bring a dish to share, your own place setting. Coffee & water will be provided

A gift if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange.
$15 limit gift if you want to participate in the exchange
(OM's bring OM's gift YL's bring YL's gift) and mark it accordingly

Door Prizes and Special drawings

Celebrate MARC's great community


Silent Key - Oliver Lee - W0LCI

102-year-old Oliver Lee: a Navy veteran with a knack for communication

Oliver Lee operates his ham radio every day.
His love of radio led him to the U.S. Navy and a commendable military career which spanned three decades.


By Don Benjamin/Contributing Writer

Delta resident, Oliver Edward Lee, is a Colorado native who ended up traveling the world. Raised on a 10-acre farm near Hygiene, Colorado, he figures he was in 5th or 6th grade when his family moved to town. They didn’t stray far from their roots.

“This was back in the days when all the family settled around grandparents,” Lee recalled.

Bitten early by the ham radio bug, Lee soon mastered the complexities of Morse Code. He was in high school when an older classmate graduated, leaving the nearby Longmont National Guard Armory without a code operator. Taking the graduate’s place, he held the position until a general came to inspect the armory and encountered the boy.

Lee recalls that the general asked, “What the hell’s this civilian doing here?” Informed that Lee was the only kid left in town who knew Morse Code, the general insisted that the young technician join the unit. So, although he was only 16, Lee became a member of the Colorado National Guard. He still has a letter, dated August 18, 1938, from then-Governor Teller Ammons commending him for his service in the Guard. Later, in 1939, he officially joined the Naval Reserve in Boulder.

Around that time, the Navy ran an advertisement in the Longmont daily newspaper. The ad encouraged local ham radio operators to apply for a super-secret program. Intrigued, Lee responded and the young reserve was sent to an electronics school in Los Angeles where he learned that the secret program involved “radar.”

“We weren’t even allowed to say the name outside of training,” he recalls.

Following Pearl Harbor, Lee enlisted in the regular Navy. More training followed at California’s Treasure Island where he joined with eighty other ham radio operators. At the close of training, those with last names A-L joined the Navy’s surface fleet. Last names M-Z went to naval air.

Lee reported to Portland, Oregon, where his first ship, USS Daring, was being constructed. Once at sea, the newly launched minesweeper sailed directly to Hawaii and then to Guadalcanal where the Japanese were engaged in a pitched battle with Allied forces. The enemy was continuously bombing the American airstrip at Henderson Field and U.S. and Japanese aircraft were engaged in fierce dogfights in the skies above the besieged island.

As the fighting raged, Lee and other sailors were dispatched in multiple small craft to rescue downed pilots. Each boat was assigned to a designated search area and the vessels also carried drums of gasoline to refuel PT boats which accompanied the searchers. Lee’s specialty was electronics and communication, but, while on rescue missions, he took on other roles.

“Most of the time I was assigned to the boat’s anti-aircraft gun,” he recalls. “Because I’d hunted ducks and I knew how to lead a duck or a plane.”

One afternoon, while on rescue patrol, Lee’s boat was bombed, trapping several crewmen below decks. When the craft began to rapidly sink, the spare fuel caught fire, encircling the boat. As the ranking enlisted man on deck, Lee directed survivors to remove their life jackets in order to swim under the burning water. Some of the men were poor swimmers, but all made it under the fire only to be attacked by sharks.

Seeing the sailors struggle, Marine planes flew low and strafed the water in an attempt to kill the sharks. Lee and ten others made it to shore where the unarmed sailors managed to elude Japanese soldiers who chased them over sharp coral. He still bears the scars from his barefooted dash to cover. Marine aircraft strafed the beach to keep the enemy at bay until other ships arrived to rescue the stranded sailors.

In recognition of his leadership that day, Lee was promoted to Warrant Officer. He remained in the Pacific Theater, serving onboard USS Daring and later USS Hollandia Bay with action at Bouganville, Hollandia, Tulagi and Guam.

At the close of World War II, Lee remained in the Navy Reserves, serving from November 1945-August 1949 as officer in charge of the Naval Electronic Warfare Unit in Denver. He soon returned to active duty as a chief electronics technician and, joined by his wife and three children, he traveled to Japan.

Anticipating a bitter reception, he was surprised to find the defeated Japanese to be amiable, cooperative and friendly. He and other technicians were assigned to help the Japanese upgrade a rural radio station.

“It was out in the boonies,” he recalls, “where there was space to put a large antenna. And it was underground.”

Only one of more than 100 Japanese working on the project spoke English and none of the Americans spoke Japanese, but they still managed to move the station to the surface. The Korean Conflict erupted while Lee was stationed in Japan. As a member of his admiral’s staff, he traveled to the war zone periodically to deal with electronic communication problems.

Lee and his family spent four years in Japan. By the time they left, his children had learned a great deal of Japanese. After a variety of Stateside assignments and a stint onboard the USS Logan, he and the family traveled to Adak, Alaska, where Lee served at the Naval Radio Station there. Returning to San Diego, he became a training officer until 1959 when he served onboard USS Henrico.

In 1962, he and the family traveled to the Philippines. At that station, the expertise of Lee and other officers and men of the U.S. Naval Communications Station was instrumental in helping the Seventh Fleet respond to the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident in which American ships repelled attacks by North Vietnamese vessels.

Of his service during conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, Lee insists that—like his fellow veterans—he was merely doing his job.
“I was never a great warrior,” he said. “I was just there.”

In 1966, Oliver Lee officially retired from the U.S. Navy, ending his career as an electronics maintenance officer having achieved the rank of Chief Warrant Officer, W-4. In his 28 years of service, he survived bombs and fire and sharks while serving on four ships and faithfully fulfilling shore duties as a technical trouble-shooter in five states and three foreign countries. Wherever he worked, his dedication to duty earned him medals, ribbons, a wealth of commendations and the admiration of a grateful nation.


Mr Oliver Lee was a member of Montrose Area Radio Club

In June 2020 - We made him an honorary lifetime member and Kathy presented him a plaque for being our oldest living club member.

He was given a 80 years of service certificate from QCWA
He also recived the "Centurion Award" from ARRL.

In case you'd like to know a little more about Oliver Lee, he has self published his memoirs which can be found at https://w9ziy.com/#p=1

Obituary and Graveside Service - Sept 27th, 2022



BARCfest Hamfest

Boulder Amateur Radio Club (BARC)
Sunday, October 2, 2022, 8:00 a.m.

Hope to see you there!- More info - https://www.qsl.net/w0dk/barcfest.html


The 2022 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division convention is BACK this fall!

2022 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention
Oct 7th-9th 2022 – Cheyenne, WY

The 2022 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division convention is BACK this fall!
Please go to https://wyhamcon.org to register or find out more details.

We hope to see you there!


Reminder this Friday is the club picnic.

Reminder this Friday is the club picnic.

It will start at 5:30 pm rather than 7pm.
All are welcome! Bring your own meal and have some time to fellowship and talk with fellow hams.
No official meeting, no zoom option.

Hope to see you there!


Field Day this coming Saturday

FIELD DAY June 25-26th, 2022
Sunset Mesa, Montrose CO (directions and visual map localtion)

  • Setup at 8am 06/25/22
  • Take down needed on Sunday 12 noon 06/26/22
  • ALL are welcome to join us. Vistors are encouraged

Please bring - place setting, chairs, hats, gloves, sunscreen, XYLs - Side dish or dessert to share for Saturday Dinner

If you plan to attend Saturday Dinner, and I haven't already counted you - please let Kathy Joslin know how many will be joining us.
* Deadline for Dinner count will be Wednesday


Department of Defense Communications Exercise

Army MARS will be running their quarterly Department of Defense Communications Exercise 22-2 (DOD COMEX 22-2) starting 29 April and running through 7 May.  This is a good chance to interface with military operators on 60 meters and provide amateur radio support that simulates a national communication emergency.

On Tuesday, May 5, at 1900 MDT there will be a high power broadcast on 60 Meters Channel One.   
In numerical order by region number, two MARS stations will identify specific information needed from that particular region.  The two MARS stations in Region Eight will follow the stations in Region Seven.  Amateur stations monitor the broadcast and region MARS stations to determine if they can provide the requested information.  On subsequent days the broadcasts will request additional information.
Then at noon our time, on 60 Meters Channel One, amateur stations with the information respond to calls for information from two Region Eight MARS stations using a "HOTEL xxx" call sign.

For amateur operators in Grand Junction, there may be a request for weather information broadcast by GJT AWOS KTGJ at 118.550 AM.  

MARS members, using their FCC Amateur Radio Call Sign may join ARS nets and request information.  
This process repeats daily until Saturday, May 7.


President's Report - DATE CHANGE

Wednesday May 4th from 5-7pm is Science Night at Cedaredge Middle School.

We have two volunteers Dick KD0ESZ and Dick KC0JEA that will be at the school to help kids get on the air.
I would like club members to monitor the Cedaredge repeater to respond back to the kids.

Thanks for your assistance! Kath


April Happenings

Our webpage has a real time calendar! Check it out at

It looks like this: 

  On the calendar just click on the event to get the details. 

  • Club is still taking memberships, so get your renewals in. 

  • I will be placing another order for badges after the bulk of registrations are completed.
    -Send me your info to be included. 

  • Weekly net Sunday night at 1900 on Cedaredge Repeater 147.195 with tone 107.2
    80m net, every Sun after 2m net. LSB 3.992.5 give or take a few hertz.

  • Know someone that would like to receive emails from the club?
    Have them sign up here.

President's Report

Thank you to all who came out to the club meeting Friday! We were able to pass our budget for the next year. 

For those that are interested in getting a tumbler like the one I shared Friday. Please let me know, color of the tumbler you'd like (green and black exmples are shown below), size (20 oz or 30 oz), and font you;d like (one on tumbler or one of the others listed below).

As mentioned if we order in groups or 4 or more we can get them for $10



LARCFEST 2022 - Longmont Amateur Radio Club

HamFest in Longmont, CO
April 2nd, 900-1300hr

Ham Radio Flea Market
VE Testing

Boulder County Fairgrounds
Exhibit Building
9595 Nelson Road
Longmont, CO 80501

Click Here for Flyer


President's Report

There were 12 in attendance at Saturday’s club breakfast.
We brought in one of the new laptops to share. Thanks Stan W0LQ for loading all the software for the various events!
I will start using it for club activities and install Zoom Google etc. on it in case anyone takes over as president in the future.

Reminder to send in your dues or drop them off at the club meetings. John says we are at about 50% for renewals.
Have a great week.



March Happenings

5th, between 0730 - 0800 Club Breakfast Busy Kitche in Olathe 
12th at 1000 VE test. Cedaredge Masonic Lodge
14th, at 1900 board meeting. Same link as previous
18th, at 1900 Club meeting in person Olathe Community Center. 115 Main St, Olathe, CO 81425. Zoom link will be sent out 3 days prior.

Club is still taking memberships, so get your renewals in. I will be placing another order for badges after the bulk of registrations are complete

Weekly net Sunday night at 1900 on Cedaredge Repeater 147.195 with tone 107.2
80m net, every Sun after 2m net. LSB 3.992.5 give or take a few hertz.


President's Report

Saturday is the club breakfast; please sound off so I can provide a headcount to the restaurant.

The computers have been received and are being updated and configured. Thank you Stan



President's Report

The results of this year’s election are as follows:

President – Kathy KK6RVN
VP – Chris WB0ITG
Treasurer – John KB0RUD
Secretary – Marilyn K0SBG
Activities Director – Lew K0LMF

Thank you to all the board members!
Computers have been ordered.



President's Report

Thanks Ken for taking the net.

Saturday was the club breakfast we had 12 in attendance.  Immediately afterwards we had Auxcom training and had 11 participants.

Busy kitchen in Olathe is not serving breakfast for the time being. I will look into an alternative for next month.  If you have any suggestions let me know.

For those that were on the net we tried an exercise of transmitting and receiving reports. We hope to do that occasionally on Sunday night nets to give everyone practice.



February Happenings

5th, between 0730 - 0800 Club Breakfast Starvin Arvins in Delta 
after breakfast AUXCOM yearly planning meeting approx 0900 Delta County EOC 560 Dodge Street Delta
12th at 1000 VE test. Cedaredge Masonic Lodge
14th, at 1900 board meeting. Same link as previous
18th, at 1900 Club meeting in person Olathe Community Center. 115 Main St, Olathe, CO 81425. Zoom link will be sent out 3 days prior.

Placing another order for badges after the bulk of registrations are completed. 

Weekly net Sunday night at 1900 on Cedaredge Repeater 147.195 with tone 107.2
80m net, every Sun after 2m net. LSB 3.992.5 give or take a few hertz.



President's Report

Congrats to us for an awesome 2022 Winter Field Day! We had 829 contacts of which 151 were CW contacts, amazing!

Thank you to everyone that came and helped out; set up, tear down, operate, log, bring food or just support the event.  

Also there were several that operated from their home stations, so that count may even go up!

Breakfast is this Saturday, I will be sending out the monthly “happenings” email shortly.




Winter Feild Day

January 29th - 9am for setup
Operate at 12 noon MST
January 30th, noon tear down.

Come help us setup\packup, work the radio\log, fellowship and share a meal

1681 6450 Rd, Montrose, CO 81401
Directions to Montros EOC




President's Report

Thank you Stan for the new website! Hopefully it won’t be hacked like the last one. As you can see not all pages are up yet, but we are building them, and hope to have all pertinent info back up soon.

Thanks to Dave for manning the site for the past many years! Wishing you well in the new endeavors of writing for QST and your YouTube channel!

President’s report
Monday will be the board meeting (same link and time) and Friday will be the club meeting (we will have a zoom option). If you haven’t heard from Chris Colin or Joel, please reach out to let them know how you can help the club going forward.
We will need all hands on deck to grow and maintain the club!



  Interested in receiving emails from the club? Sign up here